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Remedies For Sore Throat

A sore throat happens when your pharynx, the back of your throat, becomes inflamed. Similar to the flu or common cold, the common sore throat is caused by a virus and usually goes away in a few days. Strep throat is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes and should be treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Salt water, lozenges, herb tea, and honey are all good for sore throats. (Photo credit: Moment/Getty Image)

In areas where the summers are warm and winters are cold, viral sore throats usually peak in the winter and early spring, when people are mostly inside. Viruses are spread by droplets in the air from sneezes and coughs. Viral sore throats go away on their own for most healthy people.

Other causes of sore throat include:

  • Acid reflux
  • Allergies to mold, dust, dander, and pollen
  • Dry indoor air
  • HIV
  • Irritants such as air pollution, chemicals, smoking, spicy foods, and drinking alcohol
  • Muscle strain from yelling or singing loudly for extended periods
  • Throat cancer
  • In adults, the most common symptom of a sore throat is throat pain. Other symptoms may include:

  • Aches and pains
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Hoarseness
  • Inflamed tonsils
  • Runny nose
  • Scratchiness
  • Swallowing difficulty
  • Swollen glands
  • Vomiting
  • A sore throat can also be a symptom of COVID-19, but it's not as common as a fever or cough. If you're having any symptoms of COVID-19 or have come in contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19, get tested and self-quarantine until you get the results.

    Children with sore throats may also have:

  • Bloody phlegm
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Drooling
  • Joint pain or swelling
  • Rashes
  • There are many ways to treat and ease the symptoms of the common sore throat. Because it's caused by a virus, antibiotics won't help. But they will help with strep throat, as that's caused by bacteria. For mild bouts of sore throat, you can try the following home remedies:

    Rest and hydration

    Get plenty of rest and sleep. You should drink a lot of fluids because they prevent dehydration and keep your throat moist. Stick to comforting beverages such as a simple broth, chicken soup, warm water, or caffeine-free tea. Avoid alcohol or any caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, because they can dehydrate you.

    Over-the-counter pain relievers

    Use a numbing throat spray or over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to keep you comfortable as you rest. If your sore throat is caused by allergies, take over-the-counter antihistamines to clear your nose and get rid of postnasal drip that may be irritating your throat.

    Alternative medicine

    Many alternative medicines such as herbal teas or lozenges can be bought over the counter. Still, you should check with your doctor before taking them to find out if there are any interactions with prescription medications or possible risks due to your medical history.

    One study showed that an herbal tea made with licorice root, elm inner bark, and marshmallow root was more effective than a placebo tea for soothing sore throat pain in the short term. But after 30 minutes, the difference in pain relief between the two groups was not noticeable.

    Gargling with salt water

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with a cup (8 ounces) of warm water and gargle. Do this whenever your throat feels itchy or painful. By using salt, you're pulling out fluids from your throat tissues, which helps wash the virus out. It may also loosen mucus that needs to come out.

    Ice chips, popsicles, or lozenges

    You can suck on ice chips or popsicles to ease the pain and coughing from a sore throat. Over-the-counter lozenges and cough drops are soothing as well. They often have menthol as an ingredient, which temporarily numbs the throat, reducing the need to cough.

    Purified and humidified air

    Use a humidifier in the room where you're resting. It will prevent dry air from irritating your sore throat. You can also sit in a steamy bathroom for several minutes at a time. An air purifier may help, as people with a sore throat should avoid airborne irritants such as cigarette smoke or some cleaning products.


    Is honey good for sore throat? Definitely. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and it's soothing, too. Mix a spoonful with a squeeze of lime or lemon as a sore throat remedy. Or, add it to a cup of caffeine-free or herbal tea in place of sugar.

    You should see a doctor if you suspect you're dealing with strep throat, especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck
  • Pain and difficulty when swallowing
  • Red spots on the roof of your mouth
  • A sore throat that started quickly
  • Red and swollen tonsils
  • Your doctor can test you for strep throat by swabbing the back of your throat to collect a sample, which is then sent to a lab for testing. If a bacterial infection is causing your sore throat, your doctor will prescribe a 10-day course of antibiotics. It's important to take the full course of antibiotics even if you start to feel better within a few days.

    Children can take many of the same remedies as adults. These include:

  • Sipping warm liquids
  • Eating ice chips or ice pops
  • Gargling with salt water
  • Sucking on throat lozenges (for kids aged 4 or older)
  • Taking children's ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Some over-the-counter medications are not recommended for children under certain ages. Always check the label.

    Never give aspirin to a child. Only acetaminophen (children's Tylenol) should be given to kids under 6 months. For children aged 6 months or older, acetaminophen or ibuprofen are fine.

    Don't give any cough or cold medicine to children under 4 years of age. For kids over 4, check with your child's doctor to see if the medication is safe and what dosage is right for your child's size and age.

    Don't give honey to children under age 1. That's because a type of bacteria called Clostridium is sometimes found in honey and can produce toxins that lead to infant botulism.

    Seek emergency care if you or your child are:

  • Having problems breathing or swallowing
  • In pain for more than a few days
  • Producing too much saliva, having trouble speaking, or unable to move the neck (particularly children)
  • Sore throats are usually caused by viruses (not bacteria), so antibiotics don't work on them. Sore throats usually go away after a few days. Sipping warm liquids, gargling with salt water, and sucking on throat lozenges can help soothe your throat.

    What drink kills a sore throat fast?

    Gargling with salt water stops the growth of bacteria and reduces throat inflammation. Dissolve a 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water.

    How long do sore throats last?

    Usually 4-5 days.

    When To Worry About A Sore Throat

    Having a sore throat can be uncomfortable, or worse. In many cases, sore throats are caused by viral infections but an expert at Baylor College of Medicine says that although this may be the most common cause; multiple health conditions may play a role in having an itchy, irritated and painful throat.

    "The most common reason for someone to develop a sore throat would be a virus, and this is often accompanied by a runny nose, cough or malaise," said Dr. Julina Ongkasuwan, assistant professor of otolaryngology at Baylor.

    A severe sore throat may be an indication of possible strep throat, a bacterial infection. Individuals who develop strep throat often have high fevers or pus on the tonsils; however, Ongkasuwan said many other viral infections may be associated with high fevers so she recommends visiting your doctor for a throat swab.

    "For most people experiencing a sore throat, I generally recommend rest and hydration. If you are highly concerned then you should get a strep swab, and you really shouldn't take antibiotics unless the strep swab is positive," she said.

    Those who experience strep throat multiple times a year may be a candidate for tonsillectomy. "According to the Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, if an individual has documented strep throat seven times in one year, five times per year for two consecutive years, or three times per year for three consecutive years, they can consider having their tonsils removed," Ongkasuwan said.

    Other health conditions that can cause sore throat are reflux, tonsil stones, muscle tension, and mononucleosis, also known as mono. Acid reflux can cause heartburn and if the acid reaches the throat it can also lead to throat discomfort. Tonsil stones refer to food debris that get stuck in the tonsils resulting in inflammation and irritation.

    For throat pain that persists beyond three weeks and is accompanied by difficulty swallowing or weight loss, Ongkasuwan recommends visiting a doctor to rule out any severe health conditions.

    There are ways to sooth a sore throat without having to take antibiotics, such as non-caffeinated warm tea or hot water with honey.

    "Sore throats are very common. While viral infections are the most common cause, severe or persistent pain may be indicative of a more serious problem. If your throat pain lasts longer than 3 weeks or if you are concerned, visit your local doctor."

    Pain In Throat: Follow These 8 Ayurvedic Remedies For Instant Relief

    Throat pain, often accompanied by discomfort and difficulty swallowing, can be a result of various factors such as viral or bacterial infections, allergies, or environmental irritants. Ayurveda, with its holistic approach to health, offers several natural remedies to alleviate throat pain and promote healing. Dr Ganesh Chaudhary, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), PHC, Darbhanga, Bihar shares eight Ayurvedic remedies for instant relief:

    1. Gargle with Warm Salt Water

    Method is to mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. It is advised salt water gargling helps reduce inflammation, soothes the throat, and loosens mucus.

    Also read: Warming Relief: The Winter Wonder of Ginger Tea for Sore Throats

    2. Turmeric Milk (Haldi Doodh)

    Warm a cup of milk and add a pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help relieve throat pain and boost the immune system.

    3. Herbal Tea

    Ingredients: Brew herbal teas such as licorice (yashtimadhu), ginger (adrak), or holy basil (tulsi). How it Helps: Herbal teas have soothing properties and can provide relief from throat discomfort.

    4. Honey and Ginger

    Mix a teaspoon of honey with freshly grated ginger juice. Honey has antibacterial properties, while ginger helps reduce inflammation and provides relief from throat pain.

    5. Herbal Steam Inhalation

    Add a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil to hot water. Inhaling herbal steam can help open up nasal passages, reduce congestion, and alleviate throat pain.

    6. Licorice Root (Yashtimadhu) Decoction

    You need to boil licorice root in water to make a decoction. According to Journal Plant, licorice root has demulcent properties that coat the throat, providing relief from irritation and inflammation.

    7. Triphala Water

    Method: Soak Triphala powder in water overnight and strain the solution. Triphala, a combination of three fruits, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe throat pain.

    8. Warm Herbal Compress

    Dip a clean cloth in warm herbal tea or salt water and apply it to the throat. A warm compress can help relax throat muscles, reduce pain, and improve circulation.

    Also read: Soothing Sips: 5 Japanese Home Remedies to Treat Sore Throats


    Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of warm fluids like water, herbal teas, and soups to stay hydrated and promote healing. Avoid straining your voice by speaking loudly or shouting. And steer clear of irritants like smoke, pollution, and allergens that can exacerbate throat discomfort.

    If your throat discomfort persists or increases despite these solutions, see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. While Ayurvedic medicines might provide relief for moderate throat pain, severe or chronic symptoms may necessitate medical intervention.


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