Premature Birth Complications: Short and Long-Term Health Effects

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World Liver Day: Doctor Explains Risk Factors For Liver Related Problems, Gives Tips On Managing Liver Health

Liver is the powerhouse of our body bearing the responsibility of nearly 500 essential functions. It processes everything we eat and drink, filters out unwanted toxins and also supplies energy to the body. If this crucial organ does not function properly, our body struggles. For people with chronic liver disease, the liver is less able to complete vital functions. This can cause symptoms that impact everyday life.

Chronic liver disease is more common than we might think and it's on the rise. It affects almost one in five people globally. In India too, one in every five persons is affected by this condition. 

To understand the causes and symptoms of Chronic liver disease, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Kaushal Madan, Principal Director & Head Clinical Hepatology, Max Hospitals, New Delhi. 

Signs, Symptoms And Risk Factors


"Chronic liver disease can have a significant impact on people's well-being. Some of the symptoms are visible, like yellowing of the skin or eye whites, also known as jaundice. Other symptoms – such as persistent fatigue and weakness – are less visible, but that doesn't make them any less debilitating."

Adding further, he said, "It's important for people with chronic liver disease to identify their condition and understand the lifestyle changes they can make and any treatment they may need to improve their symptoms." 

Also read: Eating Meat Or Fish Increases Chances Of Liver Disease? Expert Answers Its Association With NAFLD


  • High sugar levels in your blood can damage the liver as well. Having type 2 diabetes raises your risk of developing a liver disease. On the other hand, blood sugar levels can rise when the liver isn't working properly.
  • Weight loss, aches in the right side of the ribs, and feeling weak are signs to watch your liver health., Other symptoms include excess fluid in the abdomen, not feeling hungry, your skin or eye whites turning yellow, and swelling in your legs or stomach.
  • One of the most common symptoms is fatigue – a feeling of extreme tiredness and low energy levels. We all get tired, but chronic fatigue is far more than ordinary tiredness. Almost one in ten people suffer from chronic fatigue. The percentage is much higher for people with liver problems. People with liver issues feel a lack of energy throughout the day, even if they are getting good sleep. It's as if the body is unable to recharge.
  • Importance Of Early Detection


    To know why early detection of liver diseases is important, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Jejoe Karankumar, Medical Affairs Director, Abbott India. 

    Commenting on the same, he said, "It's important to detect liver disease early so it can be managed well. This is vital given the rapidly growing number of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease cases." 

    Timely diagnosis can guide treatment and lifestyle decisions, which can help people living with the condition better understand and address symptoms, including fatigue.

    Also read: Why Is Fatty Liver Prevalent In Young Adults In India? Know From Expert

    Tips To Promote Healthy Liver

    Healthy food

    Dr Karankumar and Dr Madan helped us point down a few tips to enhance your liver health and boost your energy levels. 

  • Eat nutritious, well-rounded meals. Exclude foods with unhealthy fat, including processed foods, which can prevent additional fat build-up in your liver.
  • Reduce salt and sugar, as too much of these can damage your liver.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Consuming coffee can also reduce the risk of some types of liver disease., However, as there is no clear evidence of the right amount of coffee good for your liver, it should be consumed in moderation or after consultation with the doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption, especially if you already have a form of liver disease.,
  • Try pacing and prioritizing essential tasks – this can help you allocate energy better throughout the day without becoming overwhelmed.
  • With regular checks, a doctor can detect early signs of liver health related problems and advise on treatment accordingly.  There are many ways in which your doctor can help you address fatigue, like advising you on how to improve your sleep environment to maximize your energy levels. By taking steps to improve the liver's performance, you can regain the energy to live your best lives.


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    Liver Disease Symptoms In Men 40s: Top 5 Unusual Signs Of Liver Disease That May Show Up In The Morning

    VerifiedVERIFIED How To Recognize Early Signs Of Liver Diseases? Know From Expert World Liver Day 2024: Discover the initial five warning signs of liver ailments and realize how crucial it is to catch them early.

    India alone contributes to 20% of global deaths due to liver disease, and around 1/4 of all adults with liver disease are either obese or consume alcohol in excess. Liver-related diseases pose a significant health challenge, and timely diagnosis is essential for effective management and improved prognosis. Thus, recognizing the disease early through the symptoms and taking action is vital to ensuring improved outcomes and effective governance.

    Today, on World Liver Day, we have with us, Dr. Sohini Sengupta, Medical Laboratory Director at Redcliffe Labs, who will explain how liver disease can show up signs and symptoms, and why is it important to understand and track them before it gets too late!

    Top 5 Signs of Liver Diseases You Should Never Ignore

    Commonly reflecting five early symptoms of liver diseases that underscore the importance of early detection are listed below.


    Fatigue, a feeling of weakness, extreme tiredness, or loss of energy, is one of the first symptoms of liver disease. While fatigue is common and can even occur because your body is not getting enough rest, persistent fatigue, despite taking the full rest, can signal underlying liver dysfunction and calls for further evaluation. So, if you experience fatigue regularly, opt for the comprehensive liver function test.

    Abdominal Discomfort

    Abdominal discomfort, including pain, bloating, or a feeling of fullness, is another early indicator of liver disease. As per the National Institutes of Health (NIH), abdominal pain and discomfort lasts over one month in individuals with chronic liver disease. The study further states that up to 82% of patients with liver cirrhosis experience pain. This discomfort may be localized to the right upper quadrant, where the liver is situated, and can indicate inflammation or enlargement.


    Jaundice, a condition associated with yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a hallmark sign of liver diseases. The major cause behind this is the accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow pigment, in the blood when the liver is unable to process it effectively. It is a prevalent symptom, particularly in patients with viral hepatitis or alcoholic liver disease.

    Early recognition of jaundice is vital for prompt investigation and management of liver disorders.

    Unexplained Weight Loss

    Unexplained weight loss is often an early indicator of liver disorder, particularly in conditions such as liver cancer or advanced cirrhosis. Cirrhosis makes it difficult for the body to process nutrients, which leads to weakness and unintended weight loss. The condition should be promptly assessed to confirm the underlying cause.

    Change in Bowel Habits

    Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation, diarrhoea, or pale stools, can signal liver dysfunction or liver disease. Besides changes in habits, the change in color, odor, and consistency of the bowel could indicate liver problems, calling for an early prognosis.

    Why Early Detection of Liver Diseases is Crucial?

    Why understanding the warning signs and symptoms are so important when it comes to managing liver disease? Here are the possible good sides of early detection of liver disease:

    Improved Treatment Outcomes

    Early detection allows for timely intervention, which can prevent disease progression and significantly improve treatment outcomes. Patients diagnosed at an early stage have better chances of responding to a specific treatment and improving their quality of life.

    Reduced Disease Burden

    Timely diagnosis of liver diseases reduces the burden on individuals, families, and healthcare systems as well. If the disease or damage to the liver is diagnosed at its initial stage, it will minimize the need for advanced interventions, such as liver transplantation, and decrease the costs associated with managing advanced liver disease complications, such as hospital bills, expensive medicines, overall treatment costs, and more.

    Prevention of Complications

    Early detection of liver diseases allows doctors to implement appropriate preventive measures to prevent complications such as liver failure, portal hypertension, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Early intervention strategies, including dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and prescribed treatment, can mitigate disease progression, prevent complications, and improve quality of life.

    Dr. Sohini Sengupta, Medical Laboratory Director at Redcliffe Labs, said, " To manage the burden of chronic liver diseases, it's highly essential that people shift their focus to precautions, prevention, and early intervention. For liver health, it's important to avoid the consumption of alcohol, eat a proper diet, stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and keep your weight in check to avoid issues due to fatty liver. Healthy vitals are essential to manage bodily functions and ensure well-being."

    In conclusion, identifying the early symptoms of liver diseases is crucial to ensure timely diagnosis and optimal management. Fatigue, abdominal discomfort, jaundice, unexplained weight loss, and changes in bowel habits are key indicators that may prompt further evaluation. Early diagnosis not only improves treatment outcomes but also reduces the overall burden of liver diseases on individuals and society. Vigilance and awareness regarding these symptoms can lead to timely detection and better outcomes for patients with liver diseases in India.

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    These Symptoms Appear On The Body Due To Liver Failure, Identify It In Time...

    Liver failure, whether acute or chronic, presents a myriad of symptoms that can be subtle yet crucial indicators of underlying liver dysfunction. Recognizing these signs early on is paramount for prompt medical intervention, potentially saving lives and improving outcomes. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into each symptom, providing detailed insights into their manifestations and significance.

    1. Jaundice: A Telltale Sign

    Jaundice stands as a hallmark symptom of liver failure, manifesting as the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. This discoloration occurs due to elevated levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream, a pigment normally processed by the liver.

    1.1 Yellowing of the Skin The emergence of a yellowish tint across the skin surface is often the first noticeable sign of jaundice. It typically begins in regions such as the face, palms, and soles of the feet, gradually spreading if left untreated. 1.2 Yellowing of the Eyes Scleral icterus, characterized by the yellowing of the whites of the eyes, accompanies skin jaundice. This distinctive discoloration is a clear indication of liver dysfunction and warrants immediate medical attention. 2. Abdominal Pain and Swelling Liver failure frequently manifests with abdominal discomfort, pain, and swelling, indicative of underlying complications such as fluid retention or hepatomegaly. 2.1 Abdominal Swelling The abdomen may exhibit visible distension or swelling, often accompanied by sensations of fullness or bloating. This swelling can result from the accumulation of fluids or enlargement of the liver itself. 2.2 Abdominal Pain Persistent pain or tenderness in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen is a common symptom of liver distress. This discomfort may vary in intensity and can significantly impair quality of life if left unaddressed. 3. Fatigue and Weakness Liver failure precipitates profound fatigue and weakness, severely impacting an individual's energy levels and ability to perform daily activities. 3.1 Persistent Fatigue Individuals experiencing liver dysfunction often report persistent feelings of exhaustion, even after sufficient rest. This fatigue can be debilitating and may worsen as the condition progresses. 4. Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss A notable decline in appetite and unintended weight loss are frequently observed in individuals with liver failure, reflecting metabolic disturbances and nutritional deficiencies. 4.1 Loss of Appetite Liver dysfunction can diminish appetite, leading to a reduced desire to eat. Concurrent symptoms such as nausea or vomiting may exacerbate this aversion to food intake. 4.2 Unintended Weight Loss Unexplained weight loss is a concerning symptom associated with liver failure. Despite maintaining regular dietary habits, individuals may experience significant decreases in body weight, signaling underlying metabolic imbalances. 5. Changes in Urine and Stool Liver dysfunction can disrupt normal urine and stool patterns, resulting in distinct alterations that warrant attention and evaluation. 5.1 Dark Urine The presence of dark or tea-colored urine is indicative of elevated bilirubin levels, a consequence of impaired liver function. This discoloration is often accompanied by other symptoms of jaundice. 5.2 Pale Stool Stool may assume a pale or clay-like appearance in individuals with liver failure, reflecting reduced bile pigment content. This alteration in stool coloration is a significant clinical finding that necessitates further investigation. 6. Itchy Skin Pruritus, or persistent itching of the skin, is a common and distressing symptom associated with liver dysfunction. This itching sensation is attributed to the buildup of toxins in the bloodstream, which irritate nerve endings in the skin. 7. Bleeding and Bruising Liver failure compromises the body's ability to clot blood effectively, resulting in increased bleeding tendencies and susceptibility to bruising. 7.1 Easy Bruising Individuals with liver dysfunction often exhibit heightened susceptibility to bruising, even with minor trauma or pressure. This propensity for bruising underscores the importance of monitoring clotting function. 7.2 Nosebleeds and Gum Bleeding Episodes of nosebleeds or bleeding gums may occur spontaneously in individuals with liver failure, reflecting impaired hemostatic mechanisms. These manifestations necessitate careful assessment and management to prevent complications. 8. Confusion and Cognitive Changes Hepatic encephalopathy, a serious complication of liver failure, can manifest with cognitive disturbances, confusion, and alterations in mental status. 8.1 Confusion Individuals experiencing hepatic encephalopathy often exhibit confusion and disorientation, making it challenging to perform daily tasks and maintain coherence in conversations. 8.2 Personality Changes Liver dysfunction can precipitate changes in behavior and personality, ranging from irritability and agitation to apathy and withdrawal. These alterations may be subtle initially but can escalate in severity with disease progression. 9. Swelling in Legs and Ankles Edema, or swelling of the lower extremities, is a common manifestation of liver failure due to fluid retention and impaired circulation. 10. Spider-like Blood Vessels Spider angiomas, characterized by small, red vascular lesions with spider-like extensions, may appear on the skin surface, particularly on the upper body. These vascular abnormalities are indicative of underlying liver pathology and warrant thorough evaluation. Early detection of these symptoms is imperative for timely intervention and management of liver failure. Seeking prompt medical attention upon noticing any of these signs can significantly improve prognosis and quality of life for individuals affected by this serious condition. Now this vaccine will save you from drug addiction...Know who discovered it Gut bacteria reduces the risk of heart attack! Avoid Eating These Raw During Pregnancy, Otherwise, Problems May Increase


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