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liver jaundice medicine :: Article Creator

Can Cholecystitis Cause Jaundice?

Cholecystitis, or gallbladder inflammation, can sometimes cause jaundice if something blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder.

Cholecystitis refers to inflammation of the gallbladder. There are several possible causes, the most common of which is gallstones.

Sometimes, gallstones pass on their own. However, when they get stuck and block the ducts through which bile usually travels, this can lead to jaundice.

This article will discuss jaundice and cholecystitis, signs, treatment, outlook, and frequently asked questions.

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes from an accumulation of excess bilirubin in the body.

Bilirubin is a waste product that results from the death of old or damaged red blood cells.

Usually, the liver converts bilirubin into a water-soluble state known as conjugated, or direct bilirubin. This allows it to mix with bile and exit the body through the stool and urine.

The liver makes bile, which the gallbladder then stores. During food intake, the gallbladder releases bile to help digest certain foods.

Cholecystitis can cause jaundice because of how it interferes with how the gallbladder usually secretes bile.

The gallbladder can concentrate bile and form sludge or stones, which can cause blockages in the typical drainage of bile.

The gallbladder wall can then become swollen and inflamed, which doctors call cholecystitis.

The most common cause of cholecystitis is gallstones. Other possible causes include:

Learn more about cholecystitis.

Jaundice makes a person's skin and the whites of their eyes look yellow, though skin color changes may be less noticeable in darker skin.

Some of the signs of jaundice and cholecystitis are the same, including:

Symptoms of cholecystitis also include:

Since removed gallstones often recur after about 1 year, the preferred treatment for cholecystitis with gallstones is to remove the entire gallbladder. This type of surgery is called a cholecystectomy.

Doctors can perform a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which involves removing the gallbladder through a small incision. They can also perform an open cholecystectomy, which involves a larger incision, and bile duct explorative procedures to remove stones.

For those unable to undergo surgery, doctors may recommend placing a cholecystostomy tube. They insert this tube from the skin in the upper abdomen, and it drains the contents of the gall bladder.

If a bacterial infection is present, doctors can prescribe antibiotics.

Without treatment, acute cholecystitis can progress to gallbladder tissue death and perforation. Gallbladder perforation refers to a hole in the gallbladder, and this can lead to sepsis, shock, and death.

However, with surgery to remove the gallbladder, the outlook is usually positive.

There are some risks relating to surgery:

In addition, about 10% of people experience post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS). With PCS, individuals continue to experience some of their pre-surgery pain and gastrointestinal symptoms.

The following are answers to common questions about jaundice and cholecystitis.

What happens to the liver in cholecystitis?

When acute cholecystitis occurs with gallstones, impaired liver function can occur.

A cause is gallbladder infection that reaches the liver through lymph circulation or the bile duct.

Which bilirubin is elevated in cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis features elevated conjugated bilirubin levels. This is the bilirubin that the liver has converted to a water-soluble form, in preparation for secretion via bile into the stool.

Because cholecystitis hinders the gallbladder's ability to secrete bile for digestion and waste elimination, the conjugated bilirubin builds up instead of leaving the body.

How do doctors diagnose cholecystitis?

To diagnose cholecystitis, doctors will take a complete medical history and perform a physical examination, blood tests, and imaging tests, which may include ultrasound, CT scan, or hepatobiliary scan.

Cholecystitis can sometimes cause jaundice. This can occur when the liver sustains an injury or when gallstones prevent bile from clearing bilirubin from the body.

Doctors can treat cholecystitis with surgery and prescribe antibiotics if an infection is present.

While sometimes gallstones can pass on their own, untreated cholecystitis can lead to severe consequences if it progresses.

City Doctors Warn: Modern Diets Fuel Liver Disease Surge

As World Liver Day (April 19) draws near, doctors in the city emphasise the escalating concern of fatty liver disease and other liver conditions among all age groups, including children, and the negative impacts of modern dietary habits, particularly the high consumption of processed foods.

Dr Ankita P. Singh, chief of a prominent private diagnostic centre, shed light on the significant impact of diet and lifestyle on liver health, beyond the well-known effects of alcohol. She stressed the dangers of processed and packaged foods which are typically high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives.

"These foods contribute directly to liver strain through fostering conditions like fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation," Dr Singh explained.Explaining the liver's critical role in overall health, Dr Dharmesh Kapoor, senior hepatologist and liver transplant specialist, "Liver diseases are significant yet largely preventable. The liver, a key player in our digestive system, processes everything we ingest, including food, drink, and medicine. It's essential for fighting infections, regulating blood sugar, removing toxins, controlling cholesterol levels, and aiding digestion through bile production." He noted that without proper care, the liver can be easily damaged, leading to advanced symptoms like appetite loss, weight loss, and jaundice, which are signs of significant liver damage.

To counteract these risks, Dr Sachin Daga, hepatobiliary pancreas and liver surgeon, recommended substantial lifestyle changes. "Avoid prolonged sitting; take short walks regularly. Include a robust amount of vegetables—400-500 grams daily—and proteins from legumes or lean meats in your diet," he advises.

Additionally, Dr Daga supported intermittent fasting to boost metabolism and liver function, suggesting, "Exercising during the peak of a 10-12 hour fasting window can significantly clear fat from the liver."

Beyond dietary choices, Dr Singh highlighted other lesser-known factors that affect liver health. "Many people are unaware that apart from poor dietary choices, factors such as certain medications, chronic viral infections like hepatitis B and C, and genetics can heavily influence liver health," she stated. She also spoke about the importance of regular screenings to maintain liver health. According to the doctor, liver function tests (LFTs), which measure enzyme and protein levels, alongside imaging tests such as ultrasounds or MRIs, are crucial. "For those at higher risk, screenings for viral hepatitis and liver cancer are indispensable to detect issues before they develop into severe health problems," she added.

She urged the public to be vigilant for symptoms indicative of liver conditions such as persistent fatigue, abdominal pain or swelling, jaundice, unexplained weight loss, and dark urine. "Recognising these symptoms early can be the key to effective management and treatment of liver diseases," she said.

Dr Kapoor also highlighted the importance of vaccination, "Protect yourself against hepatitis, which can be caused by viruses or harmful substances like alcohol. Vaccines are available for hepatitis A and B, which are vital in preventing the disease that often leads to jaundice, poor appetite, and malaise without noticeable symptoms."

World Liver Day: Doctor Explains Risk Factors For Liver Related Problems, Gives Tips On Managing Liver Health

Liver is the powerhouse of our body bearing the responsibility of nearly 500 essential functions. It processes everything we eat and drink, filters out unwanted toxins and also supplies energy to the body. If this crucial organ does not function properly, our body struggles. For people with chronic liver disease, the liver is less able to complete vital functions. This can cause symptoms that impact everyday life.

Chronic liver disease is more common than we might think and it's on the rise. It affects almost one in five people globally. In India too, one in every five persons is affected by this condition. 

To understand the causes and symptoms of Chronic liver disease, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Kaushal Madan, Principal Director & Head Clinical Hepatology, Max Hospitals, New Delhi. 

Signs, Symptoms And Risk Factors


"Chronic liver disease can have a significant impact on people's well-being. Some of the symptoms are visible, like yellowing of the skin or eye whites, also known as jaundice. Other symptoms – such as persistent fatigue and weakness – are less visible, but that doesn't make them any less debilitating."

Adding further, he said, "It's important for people with chronic liver disease to identify their condition and understand the lifestyle changes they can make and any treatment they may need to improve their symptoms." 

Also read: Eating Meat Or Fish Increases Chances Of Liver Disease? Expert Answers Its Association With NAFLD


  • High sugar levels in your blood can damage the liver as well. Having type 2 diabetes raises your risk of developing a liver disease. On the other hand, blood sugar levels can rise when the liver isn't working properly.
  • Weight loss, aches in the right side of the ribs, and feeling weak are signs to watch your liver health., Other symptoms include excess fluid in the abdomen, not feeling hungry, your skin or eye whites turning yellow, and swelling in your legs or stomach.
  • One of the most common symptoms is fatigue – a feeling of extreme tiredness and low energy levels. We all get tired, but chronic fatigue is far more than ordinary tiredness. Almost one in ten people suffer from chronic fatigue. The percentage is much higher for people with liver problems. People with liver issues feel a lack of energy throughout the day, even if they are getting good sleep. It's as if the body is unable to recharge.
  • Importance Of Early Detection


    To know why early detection of liver diseases is important, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Jejoe Karankumar, Medical Affairs Director, Abbott India. 

    Commenting on the same, he said, "It's important to detect liver disease early so it can be managed well. This is vital given the rapidly growing number of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease cases." 

    Timely diagnosis can guide treatment and lifestyle decisions, which can help people living with the condition better understand and address symptoms, including fatigue.

    Also read: Why Is Fatty Liver Prevalent In Young Adults In India? Know From Expert

    Tips To Promote Healthy Liver

    Healthy food

    Dr Karankumar and Dr Madan helped us point down a few tips to enhance your liver health and boost your energy levels. 

  • Eat nutritious, well-rounded meals. Exclude foods with unhealthy fat, including processed foods, which can prevent additional fat build-up in your liver.
  • Reduce salt and sugar, as too much of these can damage your liver.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Consuming coffee can also reduce the risk of some types of liver disease., However, as there is no clear evidence of the right amount of coffee good for your liver, it should be consumed in moderation or after consultation with the doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption, especially if you already have a form of liver disease.,
  • Try pacing and prioritizing essential tasks – this can help you allocate energy better throughout the day without becoming overwhelmed.
  • With regular checks, a doctor can detect early signs of liver health related problems and advise on treatment accordingly.  There are many ways in which your doctor can help you address fatigue, like advising you on how to improve your sleep environment to maximize your energy levels. By taking steps to improve the liver's performance, you can regain the energy to live your best lives.


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